Then: After the destruction of their home-world Thundera, the ThunderCats find themselves having crash-landed on a the mysterious planet Third Earth. They set right away to building a fortress, the iconic Cats Lair, making allies and maintaining the code of Thundera. It isn't long before their presence awakens the ancient demon priest Mumm-Ra and their fight for survival begins.

Then: As the only adult female ThunderCat for the first couple years of the show this speed-demon, warrior goddess proved her worth time and time again. With limited ESP abilities and the use of a wavering sixth sense, Cheetara got the Cats out of many a jam. Her weapon of choice: a bow staff that could do just about anything she wanted it to.

Now: Having been trained as a Cleric by none other than Jaga himself, Cheetara finds herself the last of her kind after the destruction of her city. Being a Cleric, Cheetara has some knowledge in magic, including the ability to make herself run at super speeds, wether this knowledge of magic will include a sixth sense has yet to be seen. While she may have traded her lady-mullet for some longer locks, the new Cheetara still fights with her iconic staff, the weapon of the Clerics.

Then: A Thunderian noble, Tygra was renowned for his intelligence, cunning, and skills as an architect/engineer, having been responsible for the construction of the Cats Lair and Tower of Omens while on Third Earth. When faced with an opponent, the striped Cat would use his whit and ability to turn invisible to confuse his enemies and gain his victory.

Now: Of all the characters in the ThunderCats reboot, Tygra may be the least like him former self. As Lion-O's adopted brother, he frequently finds himself a tad jealous that his rash and cocky younger sibling will be the one to inherit the throne, causing him to frequently challenging Lion-O to public displays of strength and might in order to better show his adeptness. However while still caring about his brother, and still rocking the unexplained ability to turn invisible, Tygra is always there to back up Lion-O in a fight, even when the odds are well-stacked against them.

Then: Being young at the time of his home planet's destruction, Lion-O escaped aboard the ThunderCat Flag Ship with the surviving Thundarian nobles. While sleeping in suspended animation on the journey to their new planet, Lion-O's body grew and matured by the time they crash landed. Despite being an adolescent boy with the body of a greek god, he was a fair and level-headed Lord of the ThunderCats, often consulting the spirit of his former mentor Jaga before making decisions.

Now: As a rash and often immature Prince, Lion-O spends his days exploring his city and dreaming about the stories he was told as a young child. Obsessed mostly with the stories of "technology" Lion-O often sneaks into the slums of Thundera to buy strange salvaged equipment from a black-market vendor, wondering what it's many different uses are. Often times at odds with his fellow Cats' sense of entitlement, Lion-O frequently finds himself stepping in to protect the weak from what he sees as unjust punishment. As Thundera is ransacked by the Lizards utilizing great mechanical beasts, it's Lion-O's tinkering with technology that allows him to save a handful of Cats and escape the city. With the death of his father Claudis, Lion-O inherits the Sword of Omens and assumes the mantle of king as he sets out to find the Book of Omens.

Then: A great leader and warrior, Jaga led the ThunderCats into many battles on their home-world Thundera. After the planet started to rip apart, Jaga commanded the flag ship of the ThunderCats and plotted a course for the closest suitable planet for them to rebuild. After the ship's auto pilot was damaged in a Mutant attack, Jaga took it upon himself to pilot the ship as far as he could, knowing he wouldn't survive the trip in a suspended animation capsule due to his age. Despite having died before the ThunderCats crashed on Third Earth, Jaga's spirit frequently appeared to Lion-O to guide him through his journey or warn him of danger, sometimes even temporarily taking the Sword of Omens and fighting along side him.

Now: A great and powerful Wizard, Jaga serves as advisor to the throne of Thundera. Having formed and trained the Clerics, an elite group of warrior skilled in magic sworn to protect the crown, Jaga was invaluable to the Cats survival. When Thundera is attacked it's Jaga and his Clerics who come to the rescue of the king, until Mumm-Ra shows himself and wipes out the clerics in seconds.

Then: Tough, strong and apparently rather fond of spiked singlets, Panthro acted as the mechanic and technician for the ThunderCats after their crash on Third Earth. Working closely with Tygra, the two built an array of machines and vehicles that were instrumental in the survival and success of their teammates. Though Panthro preferred to drive the ThunderTank while in battle, he was rather adept at hand-to-hand combat, utilizing his red and blue nunchucks when the situation called for it.

Now: As of yet Panthro hasn't made an appearance in the Cartoon, though he has been mentioned frequently. Apparently a great general and close friend of Grune's, Panthro set out with Grune to find the Book of Omens, but allegedly fell during a Lizard attack. But fear not Cat fans, promotional pictures and actions figures alike featuring our blue-skinned boy alive and well would suggest it's only a matter of time before the surviving cats come across Panthro in their journey.

Then: Young, mischievous and troublesome, the "kittens" frequently let their curiosity get the better of them. Flying around on hover-boards and carrying with them an arsenal of smoke bombs and pellets, WilyKit and Kat always had a few tricks up their furry sleeves.

Now: As poor, near starving street urchins, the "kittens" of today are a far cry from the WilyKit and WilyKat of the 80's. While just as cunning and mischievous as they were before, WilyKit and Kat frequently use their tricks to score food off of an unsuspecting noble, rather than to play pranks on Snarf. While their bag of pellets and hover boards have yet to make an appearance, WilyKit does have the use of a ring-shaped flute which seems to daze anyone she plays it for, giving Kat the opportunity to gingerly pick their pockets.

Then: Nursemaid to Lion-O as a boy, Snarf was both fiercely loyal to the ThunderCats and fiercely annoying to most fans. Although not able to fight and often times needed saving himself, Snarf was regularly involved in the ThunderCat's battles, much to everyone's dismay.

Now: Snarf has finally found his proper place as nothing more than Lion-O's pet. Possessing limited intelligence (like his former self) Snarf basically walks around and sniffs things in the background. Incapable of speech, the new Snarf will never be able to talk incessantly, complain constantly, or be able to shout variations of the word "snarf" at every turn.

Then: A former General for the armies of Thundera, Grune grew antsy after generations of peace. Eventually seeing the Thundarians as unworthy of the protection of the ThunderCats, Grune led a campaign to take over Thundera and force it's inhabitants to worship the ThunderCats like gods. His plan was quickly thwarted by his close friend Jaga, resulting in Grune's banishment from the planet. While on Third Earth the ThunderCats encountered Grune's spirit several times, having to call on Jaga to help defeat him every time.

Now: One of the two great Generals of Thundera, Grune and Panthro are sent out to find the Book of Omens. Upon their return, Grune informs everyone that Panthro lost his life during an attack from the Lizards. Grune later showed his true colors as he led an army of Lizards into the city, destroying everything in his path. Having allied himself with Mumm-Ra, Grune now acts as one of the main antagonists for the ThunderCats.

Then: An ancient and powerful servant to the Spirits of Evil, Mumm-Ra took his place as big-badguy number 1. Constantly trying to destroy the ThunderCats and claim the power of the Sword of Omens as his own, Mumm-Ra relentlessly schemed and plotted to bring about their demise, often times allying with the other evil-doers of Third Earth. Though Mumm-Ra's powers were strong, the time he could spend out of his Black Pyramid was quite finite before his powers started to weaken and he was forced to retreat to his sarcophagus.

Now: Still as old, mummified and creepy as ever, Mumm-Ra once again serves as the main antagonist for the ThunderCats. Complete with a sarcophagus and his black pyramid, Mumm-Ra wastes no time in teaming with Grune and the Lizards to eradicate Thundera and wipe the Cats of the face of Third Earth. Although it appears Mumm-Ra doesn't suffer from a loss of power outside his pyramid, sunlight seems to weaken him greatly, causing him to attack Thundera at night. Mumm-Ra hopes to find the Book of Omens and use it's knowledge to gain even more power, a task the new ThunderCats wont let him complete.